Web Design Services
I have craeted websites since 1995. Many were/are static HTML pages, but in recent years more are done with Wordpress and other CMS systems.
I very occasionally do web design work for hire (but am not taking new web design clients at this time), but more often do web design work for friends, family and some non-profit groups and projects.
The following links are to either live websites or to archived websites.
- Static HTML
- Dyanmic
- Archived
- GreenCorn.org (archived)
- RedFlagPress.com (archived)
- ConscientiousObjectionLawer (archived)
- Sonador Radio (archived)
- APPS by KG5JST (2017)
- American Constituion Society at Oklahoma City University School of Law(2002)
- Newcastle.nu (circa 2000)
- UAChurch.org (circa 2000)
- Exitzine.com (circa 2003)
- JMB.nu (circa 2001)
- AustinBikeCabs.com (2001)
- JMB Personal website (1998)
- Prospect1.com (1998)
- Hope Student Fellowship (1999)
- Longhorns for Christ (1999)
- Visit Weatherford, OK (circa 1997)
- Save Parker Hall (1997)
- Thomas, Oklahoma Church of Christ (1997)
- Clever.net/westok.net (1997)
- Archive of old webpages by JMB